Tarot reading or tarot card reading is a practice of using cards from a Deck of tarot cards, to obtain insight into the past, present and future of someone. It is a subset of Cartomancy. They indicated that the cards and the pictorial representation were Indicative of the past, present and future of the individual selecting them. Thus began the process of finding hidden meaning within the cards. Let us now know the supply of those tarot cards, for divinatory purposes.
Tarot Cards: Suits and other specifications
- The contemporary deck is divided into four matches. The same as a playing deck has aces, diamonds, clubs and hearts the reading cards are divided into 4 suits, namely: Pentacles, Swords, Cups and Wands.
- Each lawsuit had 14 cards and the numbering is set on the card to represent the items in numerical form.
- So if there is a card with the amount X and the picture is that of wands, it will be known as The Ten of Wands. Likewise you have the Four of Pentacles and The Nine of Swords.
- Along with these you have got the 22 trump cards. These trump cards are important, since most often they are read as the cards that discuss circumstances or events, from the past, present or future.
- The most famous trump cards are; The Fool, The Magician, The Tower, The High Priestess, The Lovers.
- Each card represents a specific significance or has some connection to the lifetime of the person who draws it.
Tarot Card Spreads
The Tarot Card Reading is placed in different ways, to form different shapes, dependent on the type of reading or the intention of the reading. Even though it is not compulsory, that is how traditionally it had been done.
Detracts Spread
Here, 10 cards are placed to form a pyramid. This spread is used to forecast the total state of an individual and his wellbeing. It covers basic physical components and religious elements.
Cross and Triangle Spread
This spread is shaped by placing three cards in the base, followed by three cards placed in addition to the principal card, one over the other, two cards on the side and one final card on top. It depicts a cross and can be used to gauge a general awareness of their life direction of somebody.
Celtic cross Spread
The most famous spread of the whole process, the Celtic cross is aimed at giving an idea about the total life and expectations of the individual. Folks go for this reading, mainly because it covers a lot many areas of a person’s Life and provides an overall view.a